Gain relief from soreness, tightness, and muscle tension with Remedial Massage in Hornsby.
How Remedial Massage Can Help
Remedial massage is a targeted massage treatment that helps with specific pain, tightness, or muscle soreness. Unlike conventional massage treatment, remedial massage therapy is intended to address specific pain, unlock tightness, and assist with recovery and rehabilitation from injury.
Perhaps the most common misconception around remedial massage treatment is that it is intended solely for athletes. While athletes can of course benefit from remedial massage therapy, the scope of patients that can benefit is much broader than most think.
Our Hornsby remedial massage therapists treat individuals from all backgrounds and all walks of life. Often as a complementary treatment for our physiotherapy and chiropractic treatments, remedial massage and deep tissue treatment can help to treat underlying issues, as well as mitigating injury by effectively improving range of motion and easing tension.
Whether you’re recovering from a lifestyle injury, workplace injury, or simply looking for relief from aches, pain, and muscle injury sustained through everyday activities, full body remedial massage treatment is an ideal way to release physical and psychological tension in the body.

Remedial Massage Treatment
Remedial massage can help individuals from all walks of life to recover from pre-existing conditions, increase range of motion, and prevent lifestyle and sports related injuries. Some of the most common issues that we address with remedial massage in Hornsby, include:
Neck pain
Back pain
DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
Muscular spasms
Muscular cramps
Muscular atrophy
Tension headache
Sporting injuries
Remedial massage is one part of a holistic treatment puzzle. Combined with physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment (where applicable) as well as preventative exercises and stretching, remedial massage therapy is an ideal way to unlock tension, treat injuries, and improve range of motion.
Your remedial massage Hornsby therapists
Our Hornsby massage therapists at work

What to Expect With Remedial Massage Therapy
Before you arrive for your remedial massage treatment at our Hornsby clinic, here is a run-down of what you can expect on the day and what you can do (pre and post) to ensure you get the most out of your appointment.
Schedule carefully
Like we mentioned, remedial massage differs from conventional massage in the way that it is delivered. After your appointment it is normal to feel a level of muscle soreness (particularly during your first visit). As such, we recommend that you don’t book remedial massage therapy treatment in the 48-hours before an event or competition. Whether that means a fun run or competitive event, we recommend giving yourself this window for recovery.
Keep hydrated
Arrive for your appointment hydrated and keep sipping plenty of water in the first few hours after your treatment. Hydration plays a key role in allowing our massage therapists to properly treat muscles without cramping or muscle tightness. For you, this means a more comfortable and more effective treatment.