Shoulder Series Part 1 – Your Diagnosis is Not as Important as You Think it is
Your shoulder diagnosis (injury) is what is causing your pain at the moment BUT what is MORE IMPORTANT is the MULTIFACTORIAL CAUSES of...

Common Knee Injuries Part 3 – Patella Tendinopathy (Tendonitis/Tendinitis)
What is it? Patella Tendinopathy is an overuse injury of the patella tendon, which connects the patella (kneecap) to the tibia (lower...

Common Knee Injuries Part 1 – ACL Injuries
What is it? ACL is an acronym for anterior cruciate ligament. The ACL is one of 4 main ligaments at the knee. Its primary action is to...

4 Basic Steps to Exercise Right for Beginners
Is getting active one of your New Year resolutions? Not sure how or where to start? Below is the review of an article posted by Exercise...

How To Avoid an Energy Burnout During the Holiday Season!
The holiday season can sometimes be very tiring, stressful and exhausting from having such a busy social calendar, holiday planning etc.,...