What is Valgus Collapse ?
Valgus collapse’ or ‘knee valgus’ is a movement dysfunction that may occur during walking, running, squatting or other functional activities.
It refers to when one knee “collapses” in towards the other knee, instead of travelling in a straight line over the foot.
This process involves excessive hip adduction and internal rotation, which corresponds to abduction and external rotation at the knee, and is also often associated with foot pronation.
Here's what it looks like:

Why is it important to avoid it?
When placed under load, a knee valgus pattern can cause a variety of problems. It has been linked to everything from mild knee and ankle pain to severe ankle and knee injuries such as ACL tears.
What causes valgus collapse?
1) Lack of ankle dorsiflexion: instead of the lower leg being able to travel forward in a straight line it has to move medially to achieve adequate range of movement.
2) Foot medial arch weakness: the foot is not supported well on the medial side, which causes it to pronate and correspondingly increases knee valgus.
3) Hip instability: weakness of the hip external rotators and abductors means that under load, the hip is not kept stable and the femur adducts and internally rotates ie. knee valgus.
How can you fix it?
You simply need to reverse these 3 causes! Look to improve:
The strength and activation of your hip external rotators and abductors
Need help with your knee issues?
If you’re struggling with knee pain we’d love to help! We offer face to face sessions at any one of our 3 Sydney locations (Chatswood, North Sydney & Sydney CBD).
Who should you see?
Book a session with Pat, our Exercise Physiologist, who can run you through an individualised exercise session specific to your body and your activity/s of choice. We also have a team of physiotherapists in Sydney who can help you manage this condition.
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Alternatively, if you’re not from our area we have an online coaching platform available as well.
Hope you enjoyed the read!
Infinite Health Team