2 Quick Fixes: Hip Flexor Strain
After any muscle strain/tear, the two most important factors to re-establish are normal muscle : length and eccentric strength. Whether it is a recent injury or a chronic niggle, working on both of these is essential to your rehab.
Here are 2 quick fixes to managing a hip flexor (iliopsoas) strain. 1) Proper hip flexor stretch
This is another one a lot of people get wrong. By letting the torso tilt forward and not engaging the glutes, you won’t really stretch the deep hip flexor (iliopsoas) effectively. Here is a better way to properly stretch the hip flexor muscle HOW TO: Kneeling on the knee of the leg you want to stretch > keep your back straight and your trunk upright > gently engage/clench your glutes > shift your trunk forward, leading with the pelvis, but stay upright > for an additional stretch reach the arm on the same side up and over your head > hold for 30secs-2mins > 3 reps each side. 2) Psoas March
A great way to train and strengthen the psoas muscle. Once again, there are many different variations, but for now we will just look at the basic version. HOW TO: Lying on your back with a miniband around your feet > bring both knees up towards your chest, until your thighs are vertical > keep your low back flat to the floor the whole time > slowly extend and lower one leg towards the ground until your heel touches down > then slowly bring it back up > repeat for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
If you need help, reach out to our caring and friendly team at our Chatswood or North Sydney Physiotherapy Clinic. You’ll be glad you did!